Blog love

Catching up! Catching up! It’s been two days without writing here but this challenge is coming to and ending and wanted to catch up before tomorrow… or at least try, you know!

One of the things I love most of this kind of communities is that you get to know a lot of other bloggers and their unique voices. It is nice the opportunity that things like that bring you, there are a big bunch of people out there with so many things to say!

Although I’ve been really busy (oooh I know, I’m always complaining about that) and had little time to read other people’s blogs, I’ve been reading some that are on the boat of this BEDM initiative and I’ve found a few really interesting.

I’m sharing a bit of blog love here.

This girl is a creative mind, she has the loveliest DIY and a funny voice, she always makes me laugh. Reading her I feel like we could be best friends.

I’m not usually attracted by blogs based on maternity but with this lovely momma I got caught instantly. I really love her videos and the moving goal posts.
Clare is a hell of a woman! She works on her happiness has hard as she’s able to and shares it on her blog. You can learn a lot of this scottish woman. I love Leo Tolstoy’s quote she’s got on the about page.

This illustrator has the greatest and cutest drawings. She has a unique voice and uses it toย tell stories throughย her illustrations.

Yaya is one of the most interesting girls I’ve ever read, with her frugal lifestyle and living outside her country for the last couple years, she shares her adventures and misadventures trying to make the best life out of what she’s got. Totally in love of her like/love/loathe series.

There’s no way I can explain what Chelsea does here, she just writes and shares amazing pics. I don’t really know what is about her blog that I love so much, maybe the way she does everything with simplicity? Maybe the gorgeous smile she’s got on every photo she posts? I don’t know, but I love her blog.
Melanie, or Miss Melvis, as she likes to call herself, shares on her blog a lot of book content. She does amazing books reviews and shares every thought about them. Yes, I love books ๐Ÿ˜‰

This girl has the funniest stories and shares beautiful DIY, recipes and fashion inspiration. She makes a beautiful thing out of nothing and has the greatest fashion ideas. She’s the perfect mix between being girly and adventurous.

On this blog you’ll find the most amazing DIYs you can ever think about. Ruth’s got a hand for this. Also it is a great source of inspiration for everything, since travelling to interior decor.

Hannah likes to keep things simple, and I love that of her. She shares the cutest thoughts and has a peculiar sense of humor. I love her Star Wars Day post, was because of that one I started following her, I laughed so much!

There are a lot more blogs taking part of the challenge that I find interesting, it was really hard to only pick 10, but I think I did my best, I’ve chosen the ones that I find unique or closest to my interests. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do, don’t forget to visit them and leave a comment saying hi! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hope you have a nice Thursday and we’ll meet here again this afternoon.

P.S. – Links of all blogs by clicking the pictures.

12 thoughts on “Blog love

  1. Thank you for including me ๐Ÿ™‚ I know plenty of people who would agree with my simplicity ๐Ÿ˜‰ hope you have a lovely weekend ahead of you xx

  2. This is so lovely, I’ve written your quote in the front of my blogging notebook to give me a boost on days I feel discouraged. Thank you so much! Also enjoying your other picks, some fab bloggers in there. Yey for BEDM!

    Ali xx

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